Monday, June 22, 2009

New Workforce Planning Research Tool Projecting Nursing Shortage in Ireland

"A Quantitative Tool for Workforce Planning in Healthcare: Example Simulations Report by the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit FAS on behalf of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs." by Jasmina Behan, Nora Condon, Ivica Milicevic, and Caroline Shally, June 2009; 136 p.

"The research, conducted by the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit at FAS, developed a quantitative tool that facilitates the assessment of how different policy scenarios and changes in the size and composition of the population, the main determinant of demand for health services, will affect the balance between the supply and demand of a range of healthcare occupations. The research has taken an economy-wide approach and also includes the private healthcare sector. It shows that there are shortfalls facing some occupations, while others are in oversupply... The research findings underscore the continuous nature of workforce planning... Only by adopting an on-going approach to workforce planning is it possible to optimally address the issues of either skill shortages or excess supply from education and training, as well as issues with an excessive attrition from potential supply and the existing workforce." Una Halligan, Skills and Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU).

"Supply [of nurses] from abroad – Non-EU supply: non EU-trained nurses have become an important source of supply of late: in 2007 (the period February-December inclusive), 1,412 employment permits were issued to non-EU nurses. Over the period 2000-2006, 9,442 nurses were granted work authorisations/ work visas." (p.67)

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