Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)

Dear Colleagues,
I am encouraging you to open and view this video documentary today. It will only take a few minutes and will (I believe) impact your teaching—whether you are basic science or clinically oriented, it has pertinence. It involves a type of breast cancer that even the experts have been failing to notice to the extent of contributing to patient deaths. I, myself, where I teach breast self-exam for men as well as women…have always emphasized looking for LUMPS…newly inverted nipples…breast discharge ~ Inflammatory Breast Cancer however, can present looking like a localized skin infection. If it is treated as such, it can be missed and lead to death, the cancer can be that aggressive! I was impressed enough to send it along. Hope you can take the time to get informed! We teach the people who can make a difference in so many lives even now.
Thanks! Making a difference in healthcare begins with us.
Dr. Mary Jo Cannon MD
Prof. of Clinical Medicine
Click on the title link to the Mayo Clinic site for more information.

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